Tuesday, June 9, 2009


These are all from a new sketchbook that I started.  "Tuff Euff" is my favorite so far.  I did it during my biology class.  I really work well through boredom.  Most are unfinished, but I added them anyway so I would have more to post.  That and so you could see my school schedule written on the bottom left.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


These here are some watercolor seriographs (watercolor monotype) that I just finished. I am rather pleased with how they came out. The process is rather simple: I painted with watercolor on the well-side of the screen and let it dry overnight. I then pulled transparent base (clear ink) over the painting onto paper. The ink forces the pigment out of the silk on the screen and onto the paper. With each pull less and less of the pigment is left on the screen so you get this really cool faded effect. There is also the chance that the ink with blend and smear with the watercolor but for me I think it works and can add another element. After I was finished I went back it and filled in a couple of areas with watercolor directly onto the paper, but this was also just an extra step that I could have skipped.